LLM in Cyber Law
Johannesburg, South Africa
12 Months
Full time
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ZAR 40,802 / per year *
* fees for the complete programme amount to between R40802,00 and R101910,00. Fees may vary depending on the composition of a particular qualification
The Faculty of Law at the University of Johannesburg is offering an LLM or Master’s Program in Cyber Law.
This LLM program is a sui generis program that discusses related aspects of Cyber Law. These Cyber Law aspects encapsulate the intersection that exists between law and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). It also aims to provide students with in-depth legal and technical knowledge and skills of establishing and implementing responsive programs, policy, and legal frameworks relating to the ever-expanding area of Cyber Law. In a more elongated manner, the Master’s program in Cyber Law elucidates both the benefits and challenges that Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) offer to society. Therefore, it introduces students to the important aspects of the law that deals with the manner of embracing the benefits of ICTs and regulating or controlling the challenges emanating from these ICTs.
In doing so, industry experts in the field of Cyber Law are invited to provide practical insight into the law and its relevance to 4IR.
Consequently, the program details, in an elementary and expert manner, both the benefits and shortcomings of the law in dealing with the developments emerging consequently to 4IR. It furthermore sets out legally workable frameworks that address these benefits and limitations in a digital era.
About the Program
Duration: 12 Months
Method: Blended approach that includes the use of classes and online discussions and/ or activities.
Assessment: Class activities, individual or group discussions, written assignment(s), tests and exams, and a mini-dissertation.
Outcome: On completion of the Master’s in Cyber Law, students will receive a Master’s degree in Cyber Law from the University of Johannesburg.
Program Contents
The program is designed to enhance the student’s understanding of the topics indicated below and to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, standards, and guidance on how to deal, in real-time, with the advantages of 4IR and addressing the position of the law in responding to 4IR.
Accordingly, the program covers three compulsory courses and two elective modules (electives). Thus, students are required to enrol for all the compulsory modules and choose one elective from the listed elective modules.
1. Compulsory Modules
1.1 Data and Information Privacy Law:
(a) This module provides a broad overview of the data and information privacy laws and principles. It also details the essence, importance, and impact of these principles on society.
(b) It also studies the effect of 4IR on the lawful collection and processing of data. The principles regulating the collection and processing of data guide this discussion.
1.2 Electronic or E-Commerce:
(a) This module studies electronic or e-commerce. The focus is on, inter alia, the formation of commercial agreements and requisite formalities relating to the establishment of these contracts. It also covers the available legal principles for the protection of consumers who transact online or electronically.
1.3 Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity:
(a) This contains a complete discussion of cybercrimes and cybersecurity. Facts based scenarios are discussed to illustrate the strengths and limits of the law in regulating crimes committed online or committed using the Internet as a tool or instrument.
(b) This also covers the position of the law in relation to crimes the commission of which does not require human intervention or human control of technology. In this manner, AI, robots, or machines are used as an example.
2. Elective Modules or Courses
2.1 Online Dispute Resolution
(a) This covers the nature and importance of ICTs in the resolution of legal disputes. Practical and industry examples are used to elucidate the role that ICTs play or could play in the effective and efficient settling of disputes.
(b) In addition, this module covers the related aspects of the law, for example, criminal law, the law of delict and the law of evidence, in the resolution of disputes using the online dispute resolution mechanism.
2.2 Electronic or E-Government
(a) This module discusses the legal impact of ICTs on rendering government services to society. It exemplifies the overall idea for e-government and scrutinizes the various applicable e-government services.
(b) It also examines the tool and principles necessary for e-government.
Program Presenters
Professor M Njotini is the program leader or coordinator of this program.
Who Should Attend?
The program covers or is intended to cover a wide array of fields or industries extending beyond, inter alia, the legal, forensic, or technical professions.